Sunday, September 16, 2007

Skeptically Speaking

News media were asked not to show this and other "disturbing" images of 9/11. If we have no direct access to information we can not have knowledge -- I suppose these are the words of a skeptic.

Today we have so much information to sort through to be educated, to make informed decisions, to understand the world around us and to interact and manage the people we co-exist with that we have no other choice but to believe most things until we have reason to be skeptical. We have been trained to seek out information related to current events from mainstream media sources (television news, newspapers and magazines). We grow up learning that if news media icons such as Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric report on something it must be true. However we really can not arrive at true justified beliefs through mainstream sources and would probably have to be directly involved or experience an event to claim knowledge of anything.

1 comment:

Professor Roger said...

'However we really can not arrive at true justified beliefs through mainstream sources and would probably have to be directly involved or experience an event to claim knowledge of anything.'
However, if we follow Descartes, even that won't work, because our senses are inherently unreliable. So where does that leave us? With mathematics and logic, and not much else!