Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'm Not A Believer

I feel somewhat guilty for my lack of faith. Both my mother's and father's family were religious, however I guess with some of the personal struggles my mom had with being a single mom, religion was just not one of her priorities and also given her pastor told her that being involved with a black man and giving birth to bi-racial children was wrong, no wonder she never turned to the church for strength and spiritual guidance.

I have attended church and in fact my grandfather was a deacon and I had to attend church every Sunday while staying with my grandparents each summer. I never got what it was all about. There were people preaching, singing and then the best part....a trip to the candy store when it was all over.

Anyway getting back to my guilt. I am a pretty free spirited person. Live and let live and live by your own rules, but when it comes to religion I feel like people make a very quick judgment on whether I am good or evil. I need concrete evidence that God exists. There is none. I do believe in forms of spirituality. Whichever form a person believes in to help guide them through life's difficult times or to help them live a life worthy of living is valid.

I find my spirituality not through formal religion but through seeking ways to live a physically and emotionally healthy life full of truth, sharing and understanding.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thought This Was Relavent

Artificial Intelligence

Progress in the development of artificial intelligence has without a doubt come a long way and will continue to develop probably far beyond what we can imagine today. But I wonder if the development of intelligence in the human race will develop at an equal pace. I can just see it now, despite the fact we are an intelligent species, we do and believe some really outrageous things, particularly when it comes to co-existing with technology. How smart can we be when we post our uncensored opinions, compromising pictures and personal details on a public electronic bulletin board for millions to see (My Space). How smart can our government officials and leaders be when they transmit pornographic images using their computers at work and think it can not be traced to them. I guess what I am saying is that, while we have intelligent members of our species that can develop and further perfect artificial intelligence, I do not believe the masses will have the intelligence to use it and will ultimately be manipulated by government, corporations and the power elite through the use of artificial intelligence.

Our Reality Is Not Only The Physical

It seems that reality is dual in that what constitutes reality is both physical and mental. The way I mentally translate or interpret my physical reality is my reality. My mental state helps dictate or determine the reality around me. An example might be people who are religious and influenced by religious teachings and practices have their reality altered by it. What a person believes (the mental) impacts their physical reality.